-   Cloisonné Tiles   -

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Martin van LeeuwenWelcome to my website, which I hope you will share my  interest in cloisonné tiles! My name is Martin van Leeuwen, born and bred in the beautiful, historical town of Delft. For a number of years now, I have been collecting cloisonné tiles, made by the local “PORCELEYNE FLES” factory during the period from about 1907 till 1977. Up to now it is still possible to find a fair number of the produced tiles. At flea markets, people’s homes and recently via different Internet sites. It is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive to find the more rare, exquisite specimens.
Visit this website using the green links above!

Krantenverkoper  News PF Tiles


  The page "INFORMATION" updated!

   Today - Thursday,August the 19e  2021 - I became happy receiving an email from an American person. He send me some pictures from tiles in his bathroom!!! I was highly surprised.
   The pictures represent the small animal masonry tiles 39.105 t/m 39.109 with dimensions 7.5cm x 7.5cm from designer L.E.F. Bodart. He also send me two pictures from the Morish motiv
   tiles 42.19 and 42.23 with measurements 7.0cm x 7.0cm.  I've never seen this tile pictures in full color. Only in black and white in the cataloque. A great addition for my books and the

   39.105R                          39.106L                            39.107L                           39.108R                                39.109L

   42.19                                 4.23

   Eric MacGillis, thanks a lot. Enjoy!


Today July the  7e I have started written an information page. Sorry for the bad use of your language. Please help me to do that better sending me an email!





Last two years in the building of the Porceleyne Fles they have found several items behind old walls.After the development they have worked very hard to create a new exhibition part for showing items like cloissonné. Tiles, tile tablets large and small, icing syringe, design drawings, wallpictures etc. Ican tell you it's very nice to see the new developed items.
Behind November the 20e also my books will be showed and are available for sale there! Below I give you an impression of some items you can see there!.




  Nice  or not?


A short time ago I developed at the internet two unknown tiles with a white rose. I knew already two of those tiles but had never thought that there were two more of this - very rare - tiles.  Below I show them!


3.30                           3.30A                     3.30B                       3.30C

Nice and unexpected or not?

Interesting links

WR tiles
Porceleyne Fles           
Website Henk Tieman

Tilemuseum Otterlo




 Home    : +31152572901
 Mobile   : +31612924098
 Email     :

 Antique markets Delft

We are present the whole year from april till end October

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